Fall Greetings From Schonfield Consulting

As we move towards winter and continue to witness very challenging events around our country and the world, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged. But we’re finding many rays of hope and incredible inspiration in the organizations and clients we’re supporting. See more below about several of our game-changing clients and the unique services they offer.
Please reach out to us if you have a project you’d like to discuss or just to say hi. We’d love to hear from you!
In partnership,
Anne and the Schonfield Consulting Team

Strategic Plan for Peninsula Family Service
Schonfield Consulting worked with Peninsula Family Service (a large social service agency headquartered in San Mateo, CA) to develop their 4-year strategic plan. To gain input for the plan, we facilitated an in-person Board and staff retreat, and conducted in-depth surveys and interviews of staff, Board members, and 1000+ program participants. These tools helped stakeholders reflect on the organization’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities going forward. We also led a retreat with PFS Advancement staff to develop a detailed “roadmap” that can be used to operationalize the plan.

Business Plan for Abilicorps
In the spring and summer of 2021, Schonfield Consulting worked with Abilicorp (an Oakland-based, disability rights organization) to create a business plan for their new social enterprise, focused on personal/home attendant care. We worked closely with Abilicorp founder Neil Jacobson (retired Senior VP at Wells Fargo and life-long disability movement advocate) and his team to create a business plan that will help people with disabilities gain access to reliable, well-paid personal assistant services. We also supported Abilicorp to create a pilot program that will serve many seniors and people with disabilities in the East Bay.
Need support with your business plan? We can help!
Schedule a free consultation.

Strategic Planning With Episcopal Impact Fund
We’re thrilled to partner with the Episcopal Impact Fund, the outreach arm of the Episcopal Diocese of California. The Impact Fund’s mission is to support organizations and churches addressing the root causes of poverty in the Bay Area, focused on affordable housing and youth services. We’re working closely with the Fund’s Executive Director and Board to create a dynamic strategic plan with input from a full-day Board retreat, key stakeholder interviews, and other feedback. The final strategic plan will guide the Impact Fund for the next three years.

Our Team
Earlier this year, we welcomed Associate Consultant Eva Orbuch to the team. Eva has a deep background in the social impact sector, having worked as a teacher, community organizer, organizational development consultant, facilitator, and life/leadership coach. Eva holds a BA from Stanford University and an MA from Loyola Marymount University. Welcome Eva!